Uniting Resilience Research and Practice with an Inequalities Approach

This article outlines and provides examples from an approach that we are taking in our research and practice, which we have called Boingboing resilience. We argue that it is possible to bring resilience research and practice together with a social justice approach, giving equal and simultaneous attention to individuals and to the wider system.

The main objectives of this review were to explore current practices, identify factors affecting and strategies used to improve employability. Findings suggest that collaborative strategies covering training, work practices, therapeutic support and creating appropriate work environments, with active involvement of young people, are key in supporting young people with complex needs into employment.

This article considers the co-design, co-production and evaluation of resilience-focused educational games developed by and for young people with complex needs. Using the development of these games and the results of the evaluation as a case study, it addresses key debates surrounding participatory design within the context of social inequalities.

The aim of this paper is to explain how and why school-based resilience approaches for young people aged 12-18 do (or do not) work in particular contexts, holding in mind the parents and practitioners who engage with young people on a daily basis, and whom we consulted in the empirical element of our work, as our audience.

Head and shoulders photo of Diana Rose smiling at the camera with shoulder length brown hair and wearing glasses and a dark top

This session is about resilient communities; communities where those who struggle are not ostracised but understood, indeed where fewer people struggle. Why is the collective so much more than the individuals who make it up?

Image says "In People We Trust" for Creative activism zines blog

Throw together Fashion Communication students, a CRSJ PhD student, youth and adult co-leaders from the Resilience Revolution in Blackpool, craft materials, social justice inspiring publications and…. oh yeah, a Global Pandemic, and what do you get?

Picture of a test tube with Covid-19 written on it

Bu yazı ile Kovid-19 pandemi döneminde psikolojik danışma alanında yılmazlık bakış açısı ile bir durum değerlendirmesi yapmayı hedefledik. [This blog (in Turkish) discusses family resilience as an example of systems approach and a way of strengthening communities in the current context of Covid-19.]

Colourful image stating: Bounce Forward Teacher Pack 2019

In this 10-week programme, co-developed by Lancashire Mind, Blackpool HeadStart and Boingboing, pupils, their friends, family and wider school community can use the Resilience Framework to learn about resilience and try out practical actions to promote resilience building.

Coronavirus Resilient Moves illustration for resilient climate during crisis page

Schools and colleges need to create systems which are flexible and responsive to changing guidance and meet the need of everyone in the community. The crisis has demonstrated schools’ central role in the community as well as the rich depth of education they provide including and beyond the curriculum.

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