Helen Nelder - Applied Theatre Projects Resilience Forum October 2019

In this session we heard how Applied Theatre projects have the potential to create opportunities for relational resilience and to support young people to understand and address their own issues and concerns in secondary schools.

In this session we heard how Applied Theatre projects have the potential to create opportunities for relational resilience and to support young people to understand and address their own issues and concerns in secondary schools.

Bu yazı ile Kovid-19 pandemi döneminde psikolojik danışma alanında yılmazlık bakış açısı ile bir durum değerlendirmesi yapmayı hedefledik. İlk olarak Türkiye’de yürütülen çalışmalardan kısaca bahsediyoruz. Sonra, sosyal-ekolojik bağlamda yılmazlık anlayışının bu dönemde nasıl kullanabileceğimizden ailelere odaklanarak tartışacağız. Kovid-19 ve benzeri toplumsal travmalarda toplumları güçlendirmesi için ailelerin yılmazlığının önemini Yılmazlık Çatı Modelini kullanarak, değerlendiriyoruz. Türkiye’de Kovid-19 … Read more

Achieving a resilient return to school Many readers of our blogs, alongside many of us at the CRSJ, Boingboing and the wider Resilience Revolution, will be thinking, and indeed fretting, about how to ensure that children return to a resilient environment in school this summer. For sure, these times are very unusual with no easy … Read more

Topic  Parents of the Revolution – Lisa Day, Brett Whitehead & Michaela Goodridge Resources  The slides will follow shortly Session Summary  ‘Parents of the Revolution’ began in 2018 as part of a whole town approach towards increasing resilience in Blackpool. Parents of the Revolution involves a variety of parents/carers from all walks of life who share … Read more

Several people sat around a table looking at a speaker off-camera

Parents of the Revolution are experts of their own situations and have been using their knowledge to co-deliver training, embed resilient therapy and speak at national events and campaign for change.

Presentation slide about the Highlander Folk School arts based methods

Chantel makes her blogging debut at the December open meeting of the Centre of Resilience for Social Justice, on arts based approaches to resilience building and resilience conceptual development.

Photo of Ellie and Martin standing in front of Blackpool HeadStart banners, Ellie is on the right

16 year old Ellie gives a response to a keynote speech by Martin Lennon (from the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England) at the Resilience Revolution’s annual learning event, the ‘Big Resilience Get Together’.

Tips to support school staff resilience during Covid-19 You will all be responding in different ways and on different days. We’ve prepared a short 2 page sheet of tips for school staff to support your resilience at this time. These are based on self-compassion, kindness, asking for help and suggestions from the Resilience Framework. The … Read more

Four pastel drawings by young unaccompanied refugees showing homes and people

Come along to hear about Kristina’s research on the relational resilience of young unaccompanied refugees in Norway, and to discuss how her findings might resonate with and relate to the audience’s experiences and understandings. Please note, the date of this event has changed from Tuesday 3 to Friday 6 December.

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