Resilience Framework Children and Young People

The Resilience Framework summarises a set of ideas and practices that promote resilience. It is based on a body of research and practice development called Resilient Therapy developed by Angie Hart and Derek Blincow, with help from Helen Thomas and a group of parents and practitioners.

Pyramid Of Need

All pupils cope with some adversity, and pupils who experience multiple disadvantages face greater challenges in schools. But all pupils will benefit from an academic resilience approach. There are many disadvantages and stressors that can have a negative impact upon pupils; these are called risk factors.

Academic Resilience Approach logo - schools

Focusing on just a few quick and easy activities can have an impact. A whole schools approach makes a bigger difference. Get a few things going, make sure you are doing them well and share them with the whole community. Evidence and practice based experience tells us there are a few key actions that you could take in school that would have impact.

TAC Meeting

We understand the idea of commissioning or buying in help from external services can be daunting and know that there are differences between commissioning and procurement. You can use this page to think about why schools need to buy in services, and how to ensure services are good enough.

Academic Resilience Approach logo - schools

Every school knows that the more engaged a parent is in their child’s learning, the more learning is supported in the home. Some parents are dead easy to involve, eager to get your attention and are queuing up to talk to staff at every opportunity. But often the very families you would like to be involved more, can be the hardest to hook into school life.

Sun and Clouds Team

We were very excited to discover that Boingboing was shortlisted as a finalist for the Working in Partnership category of the NCCPE Engage Awards 2016. In this short interview, Simon Duncan tells us more.

Bounce Back - Resilient Therapy

Helen introduced what life was really like in her family before her involvement in the world of resilience, and how she and her boys have, separately and together, progressed along their life journeys over the last 10 years.

Jacqueline Barnes - young parents Resilience Forum

Professor Jacqueline Barnes, developmental psychologist and director of the Institute for the Study of Children, Families and Social Issues at Birkbeck, University of London, spoke about research into how young parents can be helped to be more resilient. She explained that key research in this field very much fits the ecological approach to resilience that we in Boingboing follow.

Resilient young parents - Jacqueline Barnes

A brief summary of the Family Nurse Partnership and highlights of the evidence that it can make a difference for vulnerable mothers and their children.

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If you came to our Designing Resilience event in November 2015 you will remember the amazing range of resilience tools being developed by young people with complex needs together with local communities, digital artists and designers, academics, parents, practitioners and policy makers.

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