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Over recent months Nick and Ceri have been exploring a range of interventions that will promote resilience in children and young people across the London Borough of Haringey. This work has been developed from 3 different perspectives, all coming together to try and offer a more integrated model for implementation, as well as looking to ensure sustainability.
Gabrielle looked at strategies the school could use to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds or who are vulnerable, including providing a member of staff as a mentor to any child who did not appear to be thriving or who qualified for Pupil Premium funding. Although it is common for schools to offer mentoring, clear expectations and training are often not offered to staff.
On Tuesday 6 September 2016 I took my first ever trip to Sheffield for the end of programme exhibition for Imagine, a Connected Communities research programme funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) through the Connected Communities programme.
The adversity context for adolescents in Mandie’s study included pressure from the media and from school to dress a certain way, be a certain weight, and achieve academically. Family breakdown and bullying were also part of the context. But she doesn’t want to just do what other research says and call all these risks. For her, these are explanations, not labels.