Author: CRSJ / Boingboing / ResilienceRevolution

Resilient adolescents Resilience Forum blog

The adversity context for adolescents in Mandie’s study included pressure from the media and from school to dress a certain way, be a certain weight, and achieve academically. Family breakdown and bullying were also part of the context. But she doesn’t want to just do what other research says and call all these risks. For her, these are explanations, not labels.

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Whole School Approach – 7 July 2016 – Brighton Resilience Forum

The whole school approach involved recognising the importance and positive impact of relationships and significant others in pupils’ lives – site supervisors, teachers, cooks, sports coaches and senior leaders alike. The participatory approach taken was used with staff and pupils to actively investigate what mechanisms support, or act as barriers to, developing resilience in a special needs school.

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