Author: CRSJ / Boingboing / ResilienceRevolution

Co-production in resilience research Resilience Forum blog

Co-production in resilience research and why it’s great is on the bill for today’s Resilience Forum. Anne Rathbone, PhD student in the Boingboing group at the University of Brighton, has been working with Arts Connect, a group supporting people with learning disabilities through Arts Practices, for 18 months now. They’re doing a co-inquiry group on resilience. She’s at the podium, along with Mikey and Dominic from Arts Connect.

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Co-produced Resilience Research – Wednesday 16 March 2016 – Brighton Resilience Forum

What the academic literature says about why co-produced resilience research is important, the views of the co-researchers on the value of the experience for them and others, some examples of how we have tried (and succeeded!) in changing unfair situations that present us with tough challenges and what our research is saying about resilience for our group.

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