Author: CRSJ / Boingboing / ResilienceRevolution

Beating the odds Resilience Forum blog

Simon spoke eloquently of his life, from being born in advance – which had caused cerebral palsy and an inability to use his legs – to his own defiant route to create better than expected outcomes. Simon paid enormous homage to his mother and the huge effort she made in altering her son’s environment so that he had the best chance to succeed.

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Connected Communities Festival 2015 blog

Bringing different people together, with different skills, interests, knowledge and experience is my day job. Often there are 2 or 3, sometimes a few more and all of them are interested in the same topic. A few weeks ago, I found myself in a room with 30 people: university students, academics, creative professionals, parents, community groups, young people, artists. Together we were looking at the Resilience Framework to see in what ways we could bring it to life.

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