Author: CRSJ / Boingboing / ResilienceRevolution

Nine things kids need – Thursday 29 January 2015 – Hastings Resilience Forum

How can we show children we love them even when they push us away? How do we make children more resilient when they are angry, self-harming, anxious, abusive or delinquent? Nine practical strategies parents, caregivers and educators need to help young people of all ages heal, no matter a child’s emotional, psychological or behavioural problems.

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Michael Ungar – 20 skills to build resilience – Wednesday 28 January 2015 – Brighton Resilience Forum

When working with children and adolescents from emotionally turbulent or physically dangerous backgrounds, we often focus too narrowly on the individual’s complex needs and problems – like delinquency, anxiety or conflict with caregivers – and miss the broader sources of healing and resilience in young people’s lives.

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Practitioner resilience – Friday 19 December 2014 – Hastings Resilience Forum

The National Institute of Health Research reported links between staff well-being and service user outcomes. What are the best approaches to support practitioner resilience and what insight can practitioners themselves offer, across different professional groups? How can practitioner resilience be shaped in the current context of practice.

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