
Find out what we’ve been up to and all our latest news in our blog. We have multiple contributers and cover a range of topics. If there’s something you think we should be writing about, let us know!

Top Tips for including those with experience of disability in research teams

Top Tips for including those with experience of disability in research teams

In this blog Adam, Mirika, Lisa, Gemma and Simon all got together to think about top tips they can share with you for including those with experience of disability in research teams. Perhaps you may want to use these top tips to start a discussion within your own research team, department, or organisation.

Presentation to BPS: Developing community resilience and social justice

Presentation to BPS: Developing community resilience and social justice

Earlier this year a bunch of us from Boingboing, Resilience Revolution and CRSJ community presented a webinar for The British Psychological Society introducing the Boingboing approach to resilience and examples of how we put this into practice. You can find the presentation slides and webinar recording here.

How to lobby your MP

How to lobby your MP

Here in the Boingboing / CRSJ / Resilience Revolution community we encourage each other and our pals to write to our MP’s when we think important changes need to happen in our communities. To help you to give it a go, we’ve put together this guide on how to lobby your MP.

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