
Bridge Over River In City Resilient Policy Blog Photo By Pixabay On Pexels

Can we have resilient public policy? Seven steps to resilience blog

Government policy is very much in the spotlight at present given all the challenges with Coronavirus19. We need to think about how to design and implement resilient public policies in challenging situations.

Text and image asking if you want to know more - Resilience Framework And Covid 19 Blackpool

The Resilience Framework and Covid-19

Inside this leaflet for Blackpool residents are two versions of our Resilience Framework. One created by young people for young people, and the Family Version – designed to be used by whole family groups or adults.

A group of people from the same day same pay campaign standing and sitting for a group photo in front of campaign banners for money blog

Coronavirus: Enough money to live blog

This blog focuses on the financial impacts of the coronavirus pandemic with a particular focus on young people, bringing together some reflections from youth and adult co-leaders of the Resilience Revolution, including those from Boingboing and the Centre of Resilience for Social Justice.

Staff Resilience

Coronavirus: Supporting staff resilience

Angie was asked about how best to support University of Brighton staff, so she put together some tips for the staff pages. But since we felt these ideas were useful for staff everywhere, we thought we would share the information here as well.

Coronavirus Resilient Moves illustration for resilient climate during crisis page

Supporting local charities & community hubs during coronavirus

Charities that provide vital support are facing devastating cash crises, just as they are being called on by the Government to step up their support, but without any of the financial measures offered to businesses.


Supporting local charities & community hubs during coronavirus

Supporting local charities & community hubs during Coronavirus The coronavirus crisis is shining a spotlight on some of the most vulnerable in our societies. In the UK it’s incredible to see calls for NHS volunteers to help the vulnerable far exceeding expectations. But vulnerabilities are not just physical, and the vulnerable are not just one … Read more

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