
Find out what we’ve been up to and all our latest news in our blog. We have multiple contributers and cover a range of topics. If there’s something you think we should be writing about, let us know!

Mind your (pathologising) language! blog

Mind your (pathologising) language! blog

Negative, pathologising language is often used to describe behaviour, thoughts, and feelings that lie outside the norm, with little attention given to the consequences and how it can help to create mental health stigma.

Capturing and expanding the resilience vision blog

Capturing and expanding the resilience vision blog

Over 50 delegates attended the Centre for Resilience and Social Justice end of year event on 20 June: Capturing and Expanding the Resilience Vision, including those with lived experience, academics, professionals and practitioners.

The dark side of co-production article

After spotting this fascinating article putting the boot in a bit for co-productive research in a really organised and systematic way, Angie talks committment, collaboration and management of effective detail.

Pathways towards hobbies Resilience Forum blog

Pathways towards hobbies Resilience Forum blog

One of our PhD students, David Glynne-Percy, is speaking at the Resilience Forum today. Astonishing that he actually wanted me to come along. Normally students beg me not be at anything they are speaking at… Can’t think why…

Coding our research data in Leandra blog

Coding our research data in Leandra blog

We began the task of coding all the data. Coding is the process of finding and grouping mentions of specific words and phrases, into common themes across lots of data. In this case it’s the group of transcripts that altogether add up to over 200 pages of data.

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