
Find out what we’ve been up to and all our latest news in our blog. We have multiple contributers and cover a range of topics. If there’s something you think we should be writing about, let us know!

Collaborative arts workshop in Leandra blog

Collaborative arts workshop in Leandra blog

If you’ve been following our Drought Resilience project you’ll know we’ve been in South Africa working with young co-researchers from Leandra. Naz supports the research process in a collaborative arts workshop, lead by Selogadi.

Boingboing and HeadStart in Blackpool blog part 2

Boingboing and HeadStart in Blackpool blog part 2

Phew, where did that time go? Boingboing and HeadStart really hit the ground running with this programme of work together and quickly developed into a rhythm of co-working. We’re excited about training and supporting more people in Blackpool.

Arts activist approach Resilience Forum blog

Arts activist approach Resilience Forum blog

Selogadi Mampane travelled all the way from Pretoria to give the Resilience Forum a live preview of her arts activist approach for young people, which is being used as part of the Patterns of Resilience to Drought project taking place in South Africa.

Co-researching drought in South Africa blog

Co-researching drought in South Africa blog

People from the University of Pretoria, University of Brighton, Boingboing and Khulisa are collaborating on a project: Patterns of Resilience to Drought, exploring community resilience to drought in South Africa from historical and contextual perspectives.

Cultural awareness training blog

Cultural awareness training blog

The Cultural Awareness session was an opportunity to have an open discussion about some of the issues that come up around cultural awareness. Like an iceberg, a lot of what makes up culture are things that we often cannot see or are below the surface.

Resilient young parents Resilience Forum blog

Resilient young parents Resilience Forum blog

Professor Jacqueline Barnes, developmental psychologist and director of the Institute for the Study of Children, Families and Social Issues at Birkbeck, University of London, spoke about research into how young parents can be helped to be more resilient. She explained that key research in this field very much fits the ecological approach to resilience that we in Boingboing follow.

Family resilience Resilience Forum blog

Family resilience Resilience Forum blog

Today we’ve got Ivana Maurovic from the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Zagreb giving a talk. She’s over here working with us on our mutual resilience research. Challenges in conceptualisation and operationalisation of family resilience is the catchy title of her talk.

Complex systems theory Resilience Forum blog

Complex systems theory Resilience Forum blog

Phil started the session by acknowledging the range of experience and expertise in the room. He shared his desire to learn alongside the group and not just impart knowledge, and said that systems theory, an abstract meta-theory, can be difficult to understand and apply to practice. Collective sigh of relief from those who had attempted prior reading that they were not alone in their struggle!

Boingboing and HeadStart in Blackpool blog

Boingboing and HeadStart in Blackpool blog

Boingboing Blackpool is a really exciting new development funded by the Big Lottery HeadStart programme. The Big Lottery wanted to equip young people to cope better with difficult circumstances, preventing them from experiencing common mental health problems.

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