Category: Blog

European Youth Event 2016 in Strasbourg blog

So there I was: slightly disoriented, a little sweaty, surrounded by thousands of other young people. All of us were listening to a performance of Lukas Graham’s ‘7 Years’. I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is no. I wasn’t at a concert or in a stuffy nightclub somewhere in London. Instead, I was in Strasbourg, France, enjoying the opening ceremony of the European Youth Event (EYE) 2016.

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Community partners in New Orleans blog

After many years of hanging around with academics I have learnt that ‘community partners’ is code in the international university world for ‘organisations and people who are NOT quite as important as us’. In my head I have often added my own secret addition ‘but are actually doing real things with real people’. This is why I like working with the Boingboing community and CUPP.

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Co-production in resilience research Resilience Forum blog

Co-production in resilience research and why it’s great is on the bill for today’s Resilience Forum. Anne Rathbone, PhD student in the Boingboing group at the University of Brighton, has been working with Arts Connect, a group supporting people with learning disabilities through Arts Practices, for 18 months now. They’re doing a co-inquiry group on resilience. She’s at the podium, along with Mikey and Dominic from Arts Connect.

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