Guides, Materials and Toolkits
A visual guide to resilience written & illustrated by young people in foster care and care leavers, Boingboing, the Virtual School for Children in Care and the University of Brighton. Navigate your route towards resilience! Take your time to explore the activities, enjoy the images and take inspiration.
I was inspired by the Resilience Tree as a metaphor for resilience. I was also hooked into the idea of how a tree, leaves and fruit could be utilised as a communication tool for describing resilience and a method for gaining insights from people about their own resilience, resilient practice, resilience of others and what they might do differently given the opportunity.
This resilient classroom resource was created and developed to provide practical help for tutors and other pastoral staff and is suitable for use in the tutor group setting. It supports the tutor group structure and helps build relationships between tutors and students. Students and heads of years have been involved, through consultation and participation, in providing useful and appropriate exercises.