Using artwork, film and photography the group will explore how the resilience components of the Resilience Framework relate to visual arts and how they can be used in the everyday lives of young people and the young at heart.

To reframe resilience as a social practice means we attend to the elements comprising practices as elements form a bridge between practices-as-performances (meanings, materials and competencies) and practices-as-entities (constituted through integrations).

Resilience is the ability to withstand and recover from stressful life challenges, becoming strengthened and more resourceful. It’s a concept and source of knowledge that the Insiders’ Guide Parent-Carer Support Course translates into practical things that parent carers need to make happen to improve the odds for children and families managing tough times.

Resilience can both contribute to, and be developed within, positive peer relationships. Research studies link parent-child interactions, peer play patterns, school climate and learning, exclusion and disaffection, and even the contemporary consumer culture value system that surrounds us all.

Experiential resilience is experienced as developing a meaningful sense, in light of perceived challenge, of space-related essential feelings of dwelling, refuge, playground and path.

Building the resilient school from the ground up generated new insights amongst teaching staff and allowed the school to try out interventions to see which were successful. As the programme developed the school began to assess pupils for attachment to the school and looked at strengths and difficulties.

Double session: ‘Building resilience alongside vulnerable young people in a technological age’ & ‘Working with teachers, parents, and children with complex backgrounds in Greece: a resilience, ecosystemic, and psychodynamically oriented partnership model’.

Promoting resilience within, and through, the student:supervisor relationship may reduce levels of work related stress. Supervisors provide a ‘holding environment’, but constraints are often cited in the literature such as: lack of time, conflicting demands, workload issues and inadequate preparation that challenge this supportive role.

In an age where binge drinking is rife amongst teenagers, not to mention self-harm, drug abuse, teenage pregnancy and poor sexual health, what is happening in our society and culture in terms of this notion of peer pressure which is hindering good peer support and healthy relationships?

In this research study participants of a boxercise class facilitated by a local Mind association explained how boxercise helped them to develop resilience and better psychological health.

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