An intergalactic exploration of all the different types of value created through the friendship model of volunteering, as championed by the Resilience Revolution in Blackpool.

Friend For Life project - Blackpool Resilience Forum

An Independent Visitor will always work well for some, but we think we can do more, something brave and innovative. Blackpool’s Resilience Revolution has been piloting a unique new project.

Boingboing and the Resilience Revolution are launching an exciting new project for young people that is about creating more ways for young people to take part in activity to change the odds – by becoming an Activist in Residence. Find out more here.

Resilience Framework Children and Young People

This is the classic Resilience Framework for children and young people. The Framework summarises a set of ideas and practices that promote resilience. To create it we distilled what the resilience research base said into a handy table that sets out 42 resilient moves that can be made to support children and young people’s resilience. Available in multiple languages.

Boingboing Resilience Framework. Help young people and families build resilience

The Resilience Framework for Primary School children was co-produced by the Resilience Committee at Marton Primary School, Blackpool. The Marton Primary School children learned some valuable resilience and technological skills during the process, which involved rewording some of the items in a more meaningful way for the children, and we think it looks fab! Also available in Danish, German and Polish.

This is the classic Resilience Framework for children and young people produced in black and white in case you, or the young people you support, prefer to colour code it yourselves, or don’t have access to a colour printer. The Resilience Framework sets out 42 resilient moves that can be made to support children and young people’s resilience.

REMiT Toolkit For Young People Blackpool

The Resilient Minds Toolkit for young people is a co-produced guide written by young people for young people to support their resilience and mental health. The guide shows how to use the Resilience Framework, provides frequently asked questions to give young people the confidence to support their friends and offers our top ten recommended apps, … Read more

REMiT Toolkit For Young People

The Resilient Minds Toolkits are co-produced guides written by young people and parents/carers to support young people’s resilience and mental health. You can download both ReMiT guides here as well as take part in the ReMiT feedback survey.

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