Coronavirus: Supporting resilience in the pandemic context

In these unprecedented times it is crucial that we think about our own, our families’ and our communities’ resilience. Members of the Boingboing community, together with the Centre of Resilience for Social Justice (CRSJ) at the University of Brighton, have been working on resilience for many years. With the Resilience Revolution being piloted in Blackpool joining the collaboration in 2016, we are able to test and learn how our approach and research can be mobilised across a whole town. We have developed some useful tools and approaches that suggest practical things that people, families and communities can do when times are especially tough. And for sure, the coronavirus crisis is making us face adversities that we have never experienced before.


In response to the unfolding situation, over the coming weeks and months we are producing a series of blogs and resources that look at how we can best support our own and others resilience during, and beyond, this coronavirus crisis. For example, we will be looking at the ‘Resilient Moves’ you can make to help yourself and/or on behalf of others using our Resilience Framework as a guide. And of course, in line with our mantra ‘beating the odds whilst also changing the odds’ (Hart et al., 2016) we will be thinking about more than just our individual resilience, but also that of wider communities and society. In particular we will be thinking about the most disadvantaged people and how we can support them. Anything we do to build resilience must both support individuals, and also challenge and disrupt the things that make it harder for people in the first place. In other words, our understanding of resilience is about overcoming adversity whilst also changing the causes of that adversity.


Coronavirus: Enough money to live blog

Coronavirus: Enough money to live blog

This blog focuses on the financial impacts of the coronavirus pandemic with a particular focus on young people, bringing together some reflections from youth and adult co-leaders of the Resilience Revolution, including those from Boingboing and the Centre of Resilience for Social Justice.

Coronavirus: Supporting staff resilience

Coronavirus: Supporting staff resilience

Angie was asked about how best to support University of Brighton staff, so she put together some tips for the staff pages. But since we felt these ideas were useful for staff everywhere, we thought we would share the information here as well.

How schools and colleges can support vulnerable young people during Covid-19

How schools and colleges can support vulnerable young people during Covid-19

Gabrielle Rowles (FHEA) considers challenges faced by schools during coronavirus and suggests useful resources. Acknowledging the tireless work by schools in exceptional circumstances, Gabrielle stresses the importance of avoiding enlarging an already unacceptable attainment gap for disadvantaged children.

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