Disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities: Follow up

Disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on people with disabilities: Follow up

Submission of evidence on the disproportionate impact of COVID-19, and the UK government response, on people with disabilities: Follow up
Professor Angie Hart and Mirika Flegg, with contributions from Dr Suna Eryigit-Madzwamuse, Rosie Gordon, Caroline Beswick, Vicki Dunham, Pauline Wigglesworth, Anne Rathbone, and Dr Becky Heaver – Centre of Resilience for Social Justice at the University of Brighton, Boingboing, Blackpool HeadStart and the Resilience Revolution

On the 30th April 2020 a group of us collectively submitted evidence on the ‘On the disproportionate impact of COVID-19, and the UK government response, on people with disabilities’. This was accepted by The Women and Equalities Committee’s Inquiry: Unequal impact: Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the impact on people with protected characteristics. We continued to discuss and challenge unequal impacts with our wider Resilience Revolution family. Some of us also supported young people to make their own submission on ‘The Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Young People.’ 

Fast forward to mid-September… We knew the 6 monthly review of the Coronavirus Act would be taking place and that the Inquiry was to run parallel to these reviews. We had seen some great progress following on from our previous submission around disability. We felt that some things could be done better. The Inquiry also stated they would continue to accept evidence “as the Committee will continue to review the situation and scrutinise the Government.” So we sent a follow up on the 21st September, 2020. Sadly, submissions are no longer being accepted.  We are publishing here what we intended to submit, because we think the content is really important. If you think the same, please share it with your MP!    

Türkiye’de Kovid-19 Pandemi süreci blog

Türkiye’de Kovid-19 Pandemi süreci blog

Bu yazı ile Kovid-19 pandemi döneminde psikolojik danışma alanında yılmazlık bakış açısı ile bir durum değerlendirmesi yapmayı hedefledik. [This blog (in Turkish) discusses family resilience as an example of systems approach and a way of strengthening communities in the current context of Covid-19.]

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