The Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Young People – Submission of evidence

The Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Young People – Submission of evidence

Submission of evidence on The Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Young PeopleProfessor Angie Hart, Oliver Gibbs, Patrick Valentine, Laura Zakubinska, Danielle Aoslin, Hannah Eaglestone, Kie Foster, Kayleigh Bland, Ellie-May Harrison, Mirika Flegg, Sam Richardson, Jordan Wood, Andrew Fletcher, Pauline Wigglesworth – Centre of Resilience for Social Justice at the University of Brighton, Boingboing, Blackpool HeadStart and the Resilience Revolution

September 15 2020: In this submission to Youth Affairs APPG’s Economic Impact Inquiry Opens Call for Evidence, we share our collective organisational and personal experiences in the aim of improving economic and employment opportunities for young people. Together, we are a group of young people (including young people facing multiple systemic disadvantages), researchers, youth support workers and senior managers of youth organisations. We are all co-leaders of the Resilience Revolution. The Resilience Revolution is a whole town approach to addressing the mental health needs of children and young people with its first pilot being in Blackpool; one that both supports individuals to overcome challenges and develop their resilience AND through tackling structural inequalities that impact on people’s lives. In this report we outline and discuss the economic impact of Covid-19 on young people in Blackpool and make recommendations for immediate and more long-term interventions.

You can download and read our submission. You might think about sending our response to your local MP, who can then draw on it for their own lobbying purposes.

Türkiye’de Kovid-19 Pandemi süreci blog

Türkiye’de Kovid-19 Pandemi süreci blog

Bu yazı ile Kovid-19 pandemi döneminde psikolojik danışma alanında yılmazlık bakış açısı ile bir durum değerlendirmesi yapmayı hedefledik. [This blog (in Turkish) discusses family resilience as an example of systems approach and a way of strengthening communities in the current context of Covid-19.]

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