Resilience in peer relationships – Monday 15 July 2013 – Brighton Resilience Forum

  • Resilience Forum

Topic:  Resilience in peer relationships: Social and emotional aspects of school adjustment – Robin Banerjee, University of Sussex

Resources: You can download Robin’s slides.

Session summary: Robin will consider how resilience can both contribute to – and be developed within – positive peer relationships.  He will draw on an array of research studies, linking parent-child interactions, peer play patterns, school climate and learning, exclusion and disaffection, and even the contemporary consumer culture value system that surrounds us all! The session will include time to explore implications for practice, policy, and future research directions.

Biography: Robin is Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Sussex.  He directs the CRESS (Children’s Relationships, Emotions, and Social Skills) research lab, which investigates children’s social and emotional development, and involves close working partnerships with practitioners and policymakers in the areas of education and mental health.  Recent studies have examined the factors involved in peer acceptance and rejection, the social and cognitive processes involved in childhood social anxiety, and the connections between materialism, peer pressure, and well-being in school children.  A core applied focus of the CRESS lab is the development and evaluation of school-based strategies to support pupils’ social and emotional functioning.

Most interested: Practitioners, researchers, academics, parents and young people.

This session took place on Monday 15 July 2013.

The Resilience Forum is for ANYBODY (with a pulse!) involved with or interested in resilience research!

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