
We archive our previous Resilience Forums and conferences as many have associated resources that are still useful, such as slides you can download, blogs you can read, films you can watch, links and suggestions for further reading.

National Citizen Service – Monday 11 January 2016 – Brighton Resilience Forum

Research on young peoples’ perspectives on attempts to build resilience was undertaken within the voluntary sector, at an inner-city alternative education provision, catering for traumatised difficult-to-reach young people, and within the private sector, at the National Citizen Service, a Government initiative to engage a more cohesive society and enhance resilience in young people.

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Project SEARCH – Tuesday 27 October 2015 – Brighton Resilience Forum

Project SEARCH – Tuesday 27 October 2015 – Brighton Resilience Forum

Project SEARCH ensures that there is no break for students between school and work, so that students do not become unemployed at any point, and are transitioned into the identity of a working person. Students are based in the workplace, learn employability skills and go on work placements every day to prepare them for a real paid job.

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Happiness – Monday 21 September 2015 – Hastings Resilience Forum

Positive feelings contribute to greater resilience in various ways. Whereas negative emotions tend to narrow attention to the source of the negative feelings, positive emotions do the reverse, broadening people’s ideas about options for actions, they build hope and other personal resources that support resilience.

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