
On this page you will find articles and links to a variety of free mental health and resilience building resources, written, co-produced and shared by the Boingboing, Resilience Revolution and CRSJ community. Our resources are aimed at young people, parents and carers, practitioners, school staff, academics and people with lived experience. Anyone can access these resources for free, but please clearly acknowledge Boingboing in anything that you draw on in your own work in line with the permissions granted by our Creative Commons Licence, and add links to our website so that users can access the detailed rationale and processes applied to using our tools.

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Our Academic Publications

Our Academic Publications

This page presents an archive of selected published works from the Boingboing, Resilience Revolution and CRSJ community. This includes key academic papers, submissions of evidence and a few books relevant to the Boingboing approach to resilience.

Living online: The long term impact on wellbeing – Submission of evidence

Living online: The long term impact on wellbeing – Submission of evidence

In this submission to The House of Lords a bunch of us with different experiences shared our thoughts around how individuals and groups can better access online environments. We suggested the government may potentially help people access the digital world by improving digital inclusivity, accessibility, and data accountability.

Policy/practice impact enquiries and submissions of evidence

Policy/practice impact enquiries and submissions of evidence

Find out more about some of our research in this selection of policy/practice impact enquiries and submissions of evidence focusing on the impacts of policies on young people around the world, people with disabilities, school children and people with experience of mental health issues.

The Revolution Researchers Guide to Co-Producing Research

The Revolution Researchers Guide to Co-Producing Research

In this guide the Revolution Researchers use their experience working as part of the Resilience Revolution to share valuable guidance and insight aimed at supporting those who wish to involve young people co-productively in research.

Fostering academic resilience a brief review of the evidence base

Fostering academic resilience a brief review of the evidence base

It is very clear that poor school outcomes can have catastrophic long-term consequences, and there is growing recognition that schools should address ALL pupils’ needs. This brief review of the evidence explores what is meant by the term resilience and gives an overview of what schools can do to foster it in their pupils.

Uniting Resilience Research and Practice With an Inequalities Approach

Uniting Resilience Research and Practice With an Inequalities Approach

This article outlines and provides examples from an approach that we are taking in our research and practice, which we have called Boingboing resilience. We argue that it is possible to bring resilience research and practice together with a social justice approach, giving equal and simultaneous attention to individuals and to the wider system.

Transitions into work for young people with complex needs: a systematic review

Transitions into work for young people with complex needs: a systematic review

The main objectives of this review were to explore current practices, identify factors affecting and strategies used to improve employability. Findings suggest that collaborative strategies covering training, work practices, therapeutic support and creating appropriate work environments, with active involvement of young people, are key in supporting young people with complex needs into employment.

Bounce Forward – Teacher Pack 2019

Bounce Forward – Teacher Pack 2019

In this 10-week programme, co-developed by Lancashire Mind, Blackpool HeadStart and Boingboing, pupils, their friends, family and wider school community can use the Resilience Framework to learn about resilience and try out practical actions to promote resilience building.

Top Tips for enhancing a resilient climate in school during the crisis

Top Tips for enhancing a resilient climate in school during the crisis

Schools and colleges need to create systems which are flexible and responsive to changing guidance and meet the need of everyone in the community. The crisis has demonstrated schools’ central role in the community as well as the rich depth of education they provide including and beyond the curriculum.

Tips for school staff resilience during Covid-19

Tips for school staff resilience during Covid-19

We provide some tips for school staff to support your resilience during Covid-19, including compassion, kindness, asking for help and some evidence-based suggestions from the Resilience Framework.

The Resilience Framework and Covid-19

The Resilience Framework and Covid-19

Inside this leaflet for Blackpool residents are two versions of our Resilience Framework. One created by young people for young people, and the Family Version – designed to be used by whole family groups or adults.

Same Pay for the Same Day campaign

Same Pay for the Same Day campaign

The Same Pay for the Same Day campaign is part of the Resilience Revolution, and aims to raise awareness of the difference in wages that young people earn in their workplace compared with other colleagues, simply based on their age.

Getting your head around conferences – Conference guide

Getting your head around conferences – Conference guide

We know that going to a conference can be intimidating. Why should you go? What are they for? What do you do there? In this guide to getting your head around conferences, we hope to answer these questions and provide tips to help you prepare yourself as best as possible.

Mobilising Knowledge in Community-University Partnerships

Mobilising Knowledge in Community-University Partnerships

Angie Hart, Ceri Davies, Kim Aumann, Etienne Wenger, Kay Aranda, Becky Heaver & David Wolff (2013): Mobilising knowledge in community-university partnerships: whatdoes a community of practice approach contribute?, Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, DOI:10.1080/21582041.2013.767470

Bounce Forward: A School-Based Prevention Programme for Building Resilience

Bounce Forward: A School-Based Prevention Programme for Building Resilience

In the current study, we longitudinally examined a range of protective factors, which are relevant to young people’s resilience, as well as their mental health outcomes at three time points: before they participated in Bounce Forward, at the end of the programme, and 3–5 months later, when they started Year 6.

Negotiating Leadership in Interdisciplinary Co-Productive Research: A Case Study

Negotiating Leadership in Interdisciplinary Co-Productive Research: A Case Study

In the absence of empirical and conceptual considerations of the negotiation of leadership in teams doing community-based research, this article adds to the leadership literature by offering a critical reflection on positioning and collaborative teams in the context of one interdisciplinary, co-productive, cross-generational and international research project.

Resilient Therapy with children in crisis

Resilient Therapy with children in crisis

This article offers an overview of Resilient Therapy (RT) and outlines a case study of how it can be used in practice. RT draws on the resilience research base, and has been designed to meet the needs of children in crisis by providing insights and analytical tools that help carers and practitioners build relationships of trust in the hardest of circumstances.

Indirect treatment of fostered and adopted children

Indirect treatment of fostered and adopted children

In order to protect children from a multitude of treating professionals, thereby potentially further weakening the emerging parental attachments, a model is proposed of indirect treatment of children, with the adoptive parents as co-therapists.

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