The Resilience Revolution

The Resilience Revolution is a social movement aimed at modelling and promoting resilience research and practice that challenges social inequalities. It is rooted in the Boingboing social justice definition of resilience; as beating the odds whilst also changing the odds.

This means we take what is called a ‘systems view’, looking beyond what can be done to help individuals (which is still an important thing to do), and identifying ways in which the environment people live in, can better support them, and / or reduce difficulties in the first place. We believe this is important because systems that work better for those needing extra support, often work better for everyone. It is also important because there is lots of evidence that shows how mental health is negatively impacted by experiences of inequality and discrimination and if we can reduce inequality and discrimination, life isn’t as tough in the first place.

Based on the resilience focused research and practice conducted through Boingboing and the Centre of Resilience for Social Justice (CRSJ), The Resilience Revolution was successfully piloted in Blackpool. Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund HeadStart Programme, the Resilience Revolution delivered an extensive programme of lasting change alongside young people, parents, and carers across the town. Together with the Council and Community of Blackpool we worked as part of an alliance to develop and embed a ‘whole-town approach’ to resilience, based on Resilient Therapy principles (which we have now come to call the “Boingboing approach to resilience”) and a shared language of resilience. Co-production with young people, parents and practitioners informs everything that happens there. Together, we are developing resilient practice and systems changes that are showing real impact on children and young people’s lives. Although the Blackpool pilot is now complete, the Resilience Revolution lives on through our network an ongoing collaborative activities.

Find out more about what’s going on in Blackpool:

Bounce Forward – Teacher Pack 2019

Bounce Forward – Teacher Pack 2019

In this 10-week programme, co-developed by Lancashire Mind, Blackpool HeadStart and Boingboing, pupils, their friends, family and wider school community can use the Resilience Framework to learn about resilience and try out practical actions to promote resilience building.

Highlighting achievements – Resilient Move blog

Highlighting achievements – Resilient Move blog

Laura, co-leader of the Resilience Revolution in Blackpool, reflects on some personal and shared achievements. Resilient Moves like this are steps, big or small, that people can make to help build resilience.

‘Growing up North’ or in Blackpool to be precise!

‘Growing up North’ or in Blackpool to be precise!

16 year old Ellie gives a response to a keynote speech by Martin Lennon (from the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England) at the Resilience Revolution’s annual learning event, the ‘Big Resilience Get Together’.

Same Pay for the Same Day campaign

Same Pay for the Same Day campaign

The Same Pay for the Same Day campaign is part of the Resilience Revolution, and aims to raise awareness of the difference in wages that young people earn in their workplace compared with other colleagues, simply based on their age.

Getting your head around conferences – Conference guide

Getting your head around conferences – Conference guide

We know that going to a conference can be intimidating. Why should you go? What are they for? What do you do there? In this guide to getting your head around conferences, we hope to answer these questions and provide tips to help you prepare yourself as best as possible.

Boingboing and HeadStart in Blackpool blog part 2

Boingboing and HeadStart in Blackpool blog part 2

Phew, where did that time go? Boingboing and HeadStart really hit the ground running with this programme of work together and quickly developed into a rhythm of co-working. We’re excited about training and supporting more people in Blackpool.

Boingboing and HeadStart in Blackpool blog

Boingboing and HeadStart in Blackpool blog

Boingboing Blackpool is a really exciting new development funded by the Big Lottery HeadStart programme. The Big Lottery wanted to equip young people to cope better with difficult circumstances, preventing them from experiencing common mental health problems.

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