Seeking safety from male partner violence in a ‘resistant’ world – Wed 28 October 2020 – Online Resilience Forum

Seeking safety from male partner violence in a ‘resistant’ world – Wed 28 October 2020 – Online Resilience Forum

Topic  Voices of vulnerability and resilience: Seeking safety from male partner violence in a ‘resistant’ world – Dr Büşra Yalcinoz-Ucan

Date  Wednesday 28 October 2020

Time  16:00 – 17:30

Location  Online (please arrive in the online platform 5 minutes prior)

The Resilience Forum is for ANYBODY (with a pulse!) involved with or interested in resilience research

Session Summary

When the subjects are not “in flow” they encounter the world as resistant, as blocking rather than enabling action . . . What if the world “houses” some bodies more than others . . . ? Perhaps the experiences of not following, of being stressed, of not being extended by the spaces in which we reside, can teach us more about happiness. (Ahmed, 2010, p.12).

Sixteen women survivors of male partner violence tell their stories of being constrained and disempowered in the violent spaces they resided. Through their stories of powerlessness, they also show us the possibilities of achieving power and resilience. By hearing their resilient voices as coexisting with their voices of vulnerability, we are learning what it means to be a resistant and resilient body in a world which is “blocking rather than enabling action”.

In this talk, by employing a feminist intersectionality framework and a constructionist discourse on resilience, I will discuss women’s subjective processes of struggling with, escaping, and healing from male partner violence in Turkey.  I will explore women’s ways of ‘taking control’ of their lives and their efforts of seeking safety through their stories of both staying in violence and leaving.

*Please be aware this talk addresses themes some people may find distressing


Büşra Yalçınöz Uçan holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Bogazici University, Turkey, with a specialization of gender-based violence and women’s psychological health. Büşra has been practicing psychotherapy since 20, working in both private practice and multiple community service agencies in Turkey. At present, she is a Research Associate at the Centre for the Study of Social and Legal Responses to Violence, University of Guelph, Canada.

Who might be most interested

Academics, practitioners, researchers, students, carers, community workers, service users, people with lived experience of gender-based violence, young people, adults.

Useful reading

Ahmed, S. (2010). The promise of happiness. Durham and London: Duke University Press.

Access Information  The forum will be held online on Microsoft Teams. Please arrive in the online platform 5 minutes prior.  An email with instructions will be sent out the day before the event. We have chosen this platform as it appears to be more secure and transparent in its data practices than many others. Please see our privacy statement for more information about Microsoft Teams terms and conditions.

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The Resilience Forum is for ANYBODY (with a pulse!) involved with or interested in resilience research

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